Electric Fountain Restored in Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills Electric Fountain Restored
MATT put the finishing touches on the $1.5M restoration of the Beverly Hills Electric Fountain, and last week’s ribbon cutting festivities celebrated the renewal of this splashy landmark. Beverly Hills Mayor John Mirisch and the Friends of Beverly Gardens Park attended the ribbon-cutting and dedication ceremony at Beverly Gardens Park. Hundreds arrived for the ceremony and the Beverly Hills High School Marching Band provided music.

The original fountain was given to Beverly Hills in 1931 by silent-screen star Harold Lloyd’s mother, and its installation paid for by the Women’s Club of Beverly Hills. Lloyd’s granddaughter, Suzanne, attended the dedication and shared memories with the crowd. Other residents of Beverly Hills, city and civic leaders spoke about the historical and cultural significance of the Electric Fountain and the entirety of the park, which MATT Construction has been working on in phases over the past few years.
The Electric Fountain restoration is part of a bigger plan to restore the entirety of the Beverly Gardens Park. The park is known for the 40 foot tall Beverly Hills sign and its lily pond, which MATT restored in 2014.
“We will continue to restore and maintain our treasured landmarks for future generations so they can appreciate the vision of our forefathers and understand the historical and cultural significances of times past,” said Mayor Mirisch.